Climate token network
All services at a glance

With the Climate tokens, we have developed a digital eco-system in which all participants can be playfully and profitably involved in climate protection.
Core function: tracking journeys

One of the main functions in the app is the fully automatic recording of distances and the differentiation of up to 10 types of mobility. The app shows how much CO2 was saved when distances were covered not by car, but on foot, by bike, and with bus and train.
The Climate token consists of 5 kilograms of CO2 savings. A Climate coin is divided into 10 segments of 0.5 kg each, which fill up in color once the savings are achieved. When all segments are filled, the Climate token is credited to the wallet, and can now be exchanged.
Reduce electricity, heat and water consumption

In addition to the motivation to switch to sustainable mobility, reducing consumption of electricity, heat, and water is a primary concern of the app. To this end, participants can link their consumption meters in the app with the Climate coins.
Participants receive an individual monthly consumption budget. Smart meter data can be captured via a gateway, while analog meters can be inputted manually through a photo. Users get a forecast of their monthly consumption and a comparison to other households. Savings on the budget are rewarded with Climate coins. If there’s overconsumption, suggestions are always communicated on how consumption can be reduced in the future.
Managing Climate Coins in the Wallet

The wallet stores the Climate coins and provides an overview of the transactions. Through the wallet, Climate coins can also be sent and received from other participants.
Anyone who wants to receive Climate coins simply shares their wallet address via email, text message, or WhatsApp with other users. When the link is activated, a prompt opens where only the number of Climate coins to be transferred has to be entered.
Impart knowledge and motivate action

What participants can also do against climate change can be found in the widget “We are the climate” with over 80 answers from the areas of:
- Saving energy, water, and heat
- Living and shopping consciously
- Green mobility
- Heat protection
Each activity is carefully researched, described, and referenced. The descriptions can also include pictures, videos, or even a podcast. For reading and participating, users receive Climate coins. Participation is confirmed by clicking on the activity in the app or by scanning a QR code at the location of the action.
Incentivize individual activities on site

Local initiatives can be communicated in the app with dates, meeting points, and contact addresses. Participation is validated by scanning a QR code. Activities include, for example:
- Participation in Cleanup Day
- Turning in an old phone for recycling
- Applying for or renewing a library card
- Blood donation at the Red Cross
- Voluntary social work
- Dropping off hazardous materials at the recycling center
- etc.
Monthly CO2-Challenges

Monthly CO2 team competitions with three leaderboards:
- Cities and regions
- Schools
- Free teams
Competitions are scored based on the amount of CO2 savings. Users can independently select their teams. The app displays the top 10 teams and the rank of the user’s own team. Comparing oneself with others in a friendly competition is fun and motivating.
Offset CO2 emissions yourself

The flight, the car ride, or the consumption of heat, electricity, and water that doesn’t happen in the first place is always the best climate protection. Unfortunately, however, this isn’t possible for everyone and certainly not always. Therefore, we all produce daily CO2 emissions.
For those who have an overview of their own CO2 emissions, it becomes easier to reduce them and live in an environmentally friendly way. Therefore, we display the CO2 emissions in the “Mach’s weg!” (Make it go away!) widget and give users the opportunity to offset these with Climate coins. Since one coin represents a savings of 5 kg of CO2, it can be counterbalanced against an equal-sized emission. This motivates people to collect Climate coins and pay attention to emissions.
Individual vehicle settings

Car rides are valued based on an average CO2 emission per kilometer according to UBA. Users have the option to adjust the settings according to the fuel type and consumption of their own car. For this, we offer in the settings the fuels gasoline, diesel, electricity mix, green electricity, CNG, and LPG.
Furthermore, participation in car-pooling can be taken into account in the CO2 assessment.
Climate impact adaptation: heat protection
In the hot summer months, the effects of climate change are particularly evident for all of us. To make it even easier for you to protect your fellow citizens from the dangers of rising temperatures, we have expanded our climate protection app to include a heat protection section.
Those who implement the tips and advice will get through the hot days more comfortably and, as motivation, will also receive valuable Climate coins.
Climate Impact Adaptation:
Find drinking water wells near you

Passend zu den Hitzeschutz-Maßnahmen zeigen wir auf einer Karte die Trinkwasserbrunnen in der Nähe der Teilnehmer*innen. Hier können auch Läden oder städtische Institutionen gekennzeichnet werden, in denen Mitbürger*innen ihre Wasserflasche kostenlos auffüllen dürfen. Beides trägt dazu bei, dass es leichter wird, auch unterwegs ausreichend Wasser zu trinken und zudem den Verbrauch von Plastikflaschen zu reduzieren.
“No go areas” können in der gleichen Karte farblich markiert werden. Diese sollten wegen allzu hoher Temperaturen und fehlender Verschattung in Hitzeperioden gemieden werden.
Climate Coins marketplace
Connect municipal climate protection with the promotion of the local economy. Let the merchants benefit from the Climate Coins network. Local retailers can promote their offers in the app and sustainably attract new customers and retain existing ones long-term. Access to the merchant portal is free of charge for the city’s merchants. Registration is done via the “Create an Offer” button in the navigation bar on
User can exchange climate coins for vouchers at hundreds of already participating climate partners in the app. They also can be guided to the stores and exchange climate coins on site.
Planting trees together

Walking and cycling achievements are linked to the activation of tree planting. For this, users need to cover 200 kilometers on foot and by bicycle within 21 days. Once the goal is reached, a tree is unlocked, which is then planted in a climate protection project. If the distance is not covered within the set time, the achieved values expire and the challenge starts anew.
Collect badges

The participants receive badges, for achieving various goals. The lovingly designed badges support and motivate sustained participation.
Badges are a part of the comprehensive gamification concept that underpins the success of the Climate Coins App at
Insights for user

In the app, all participants get a quick overview of their annual achievements so far. They can see how much CO2 they have personally saved and how much we have all achieved together. It also shows which of the following activities the savings come from:
- Walking
- Cycling
- Use of public transportation
- Climate-friendly measures
Insights into all types of mobility

Upon request, we can create anonymous and cumulative evaluations with the option to download all data as a chart and CSV export.
- Modal split analysis for your region (distance, stages, time)
- Development of CO2 emissions
- Average kilometers per user
- Heatmaps for the use of bicycle, car, and public transportation as an interactive HTML file for each mode of transportation
However, the examination of individual urban planning issues is also possible. More infos here.
Receive communication materials
For a successful start in the Climate Coins program, good communication is needed. We have prepared a complete marketing package that includes everything from outdoor advertising to a digital data dashboard for your website.
The professional communication package saves valuable time and costs no more than the annual Climate Coins participation fee, which starts at 2,400 Euros per year depending on the size of the municipality.
The Climate tokens network

Our regular Jour Fix with all municipalities serves to exchange experiences and learn from each other. Find out what’s new and get involved. Together, we work on extensions and improvements to the Climate Coins network.
Our goal is a network of municipalities and cities where climate protection is playfully integrated without prohibitions and renunciations, involving all stakeholder groups. In this network, the value of personal CO2 savings motivates ecological, economic, and social action.
Invite friends

Anyone who uses the app and invites friends to participate will receive Climate coins. However, the new participants also receive a Climate coin for accepting the invitation.
Sharing the invitation link is done via email, text message, or through social networks. To invite, the QR code can be scanned from the phone screen. The new participants are directed to the respective app store for the app, where they can download the app to their smartphone. Upon accepting the invitation, the Climate coin is awarded.
News feed integration

Via an RSS feed, app users can be provided with the latest blog articles. In the Climate Coins Germany app, we are currently featuring articles from the ad-free journalist collective
White Label Apps can integrate their own blog or arrange an individual supply contract with Perspective-daily or another provider. Under “News”, push notifications are also stored.
Push notification

Push notifications appear on the participants’ lock screen. We have automated messages about results, competitions, offers, awards, and much more. In the settings, users can select individual notifications and deactivate or activate them. The push messages can be sent individually to specific teams or to all participants. The notifications are stored under “News” in the app.
Integrate third-party providers

You’re planning a shuttle service, have a parking space app, or offer your own car-sharing service?
You’d like to incentivize the use of these services with Climate Coins. No problem! Your participants can register in the app under the account of the respective service. The service provider determines when Climate Coins should be given, and just like that, the service is integrated. The integration is done through our ‘Open Widgets’ and an API interface. Of course, the user data remains with you, as well as the third-party provider’s data. We merely ensure that your services aren’t forgotten and that they’re doubly enjoyable.
Data protection and GDPR

The app can fundamentally be used without providing a name, email address, or phone number. If participants delete the app, we also have no way of restoring the data. If desired, users can create their own profile. For this, a name, an email address, and a password are required. We host and process the data in Germany in compliance with the GDPR. Our business model is based on the participation fees from municipalities. Participation by local merchants in the municipalities is always free.