Get valuable Climate Coins now. When you walk, cycle and use public transport, you generate one Climate Coin for every 5 kg of CO2 saved using your city’s Climate Coins app. You can exchange your Climate Coins for discounts or free admission in all participating cities.
Climate Coins can be exchanged in all participating cities. Participants compete in three ranking lists for municipalities, schools and independent teams. View demo app here.
How the Climate Coins App work
Climate Coins App explained succinctly in just 10 minutes in this video presentation. Learn how the local climate currency works and how you can use it to playfully and easily motivate your citizens to participate in your municipal climate protection measures and which cities and municipalities are already successfully using Climate Coins in their climate change mitigation activities.
Collect Climate Coins
Walk when possible
Use bicycle, e-bike, scooter
Ride bus and train
Participate in climate-friendly measures and learn more about alternative courses of action.
Save electricity, heat, water in a fun way with exciting peer group competitions and collect Klima Talers for savings.
With fun & games for more citizen participation
Team competitions between districts and cities
Joint tree plantings according to savings targets achieved
Collect awards for achieving goals
It’s fun to make your own climate currency and to get attractive discounts, free admission or free goodies in return. And it feels good to do something for climate protection, concretely and every day. The Climate Coins and the many other activities that can be selected in the app are good for you and the environment.
Protecting the climate and stimulating new customer business
Measurable reductions in greenhouse gases, air and noise pollution
Climate Coins boost your local economy, retail, restaurants and cultural businesses
Local retailers, restaurants, cultural businesses and municipal institutions benefit from the app’s green marketing opportunities. Everyone can present themselves on the marketplace with their coupons and discount offers and thus attract new customers and retain the loyalty of existing customers. Anyone who uses the app is a potential customer and can exchange Climate Coins on site in the store or in the web store.
Climate Coins are socially equitable and sustainable
Collecting Climate Coins is especially interesting for families with small incomes.
Everyone can travel more often on foot, by bicycle or public transport
Locally adaptable and globally networked
Each municipality or city receives its very own individually designed Climate Coins. As a Climate Coin City, you are integrated into an eco-system that is constantly growing and making the Climate Coins more and more attractive.