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Acquiring new customers through greater customer satisfaction

Locally and in online retail with the Climate Coin App

Acquiring new customers is the basis for lasting success for local retailers just as it is for online retailers. With the onset of the pandemic, many local retailers have ventured into online business. In 2020 and 2021, online retail has grown disproportionately, according to the HDE Monitor. But this does not mean that the situation is equally difficult for everyone in stationary retail, or that every e-commerce business is growing equally rapidly. If you want to retain your clientele or win new customers, you have to know and satisfy the wishes of your own target group.

And for more and more consumers, these wishes include environmental protection and climate friendliness. This is also shown by the Otto Group’s study “Living More Consciously”. One clear result is that ethical aspects and questions about sustainability have grown with the onset of the crisis. One explanation for this is that people orient themselves more strongly to their own values in times of crisis, and these naturally also determine consumption patterns. For example, 76% of respondents say they want to buy products that make the future better on a small, local scale. Just as 73% say they prefer brands that champion social and environmental causes.

Climate protection plays an ever-increasing role in consumption and thus in the acquisition of new customers

So if you haven’t already done so, it’s high time for new customer acquisition to visibly present your own climate awareness to your customers. Or even better, to actively support climate protection. One effective way to do this is to become a Climate Partner of the Climate Coin app. A Climate Partner makes a visible contribution to climate protection for everyone. At the same time, you open up a whole new customer base – whether in stationary retail or online or both. Everyone who uses the Climate Coin app is a potential new customer. As climate partners, retailers and service providers can present their offers free of charge and for all to see on the marketplace of the Climate Coin app. An offer is a voucher for a discount or a product that the users of the climate app can exchange for their collected climate talers.

What ist a Climate Coin?

Klima Taler

The Climate Coins are produced by saving CO2. This happens whenever app users leave the car behind and move in a climate-friendly way. For every 5 kg of CO2 saved by walking, cycling or using public transport, a Climate Coin is created and displayed in the app. The offers of the Climate Partners are therefore the motivation for citizens to reduce CO2 and thus achieve the climate protection goals of their municipality.

Lead new customers directly into your own store

Kunden in den Laden führen

With the offers on the marketplace of the Climate Coin app, Climate Partners not only reach online customers. Consumers – whether citizens of their own city or visitors – are also guided directly to the store by the app. A poster makes it visible who is a Climate Partner. This is an important sign for the steadily growing number of customers who make conscious purchases and attach importance to climate friendliness.

Use free bonus system for climate marketing

Register a climate partner account for free now

Climate marketing and the use of the bonus system is completely free of charge for Climate Partners. The Climate Coin app is financed by the city or municipality, or a municipal institution. Not only businesses, but also associations or cultural and leisure facilities in the city can participate. Since the Climate Partners do not incur any costs for their presence in the Climate Coin App, the marketing budget can be fully invested in attractive discounts to attract new customers or retain existing ones. In view of the growing financial burden on citizens, bonus systems will certainly become even more interesting as a customer magnet. As a Climate Partner, using a free bonus system that also contributes to climate protection is certainly a good and sustainable investment in customer acquisition and a win-win situation in every respect – for the climate, retailers and consumers.

Register a climate partner account for free now HERE.

More information about becoming a Climate Partner is available HERE.

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